Monday, June 23, 2014

Guest post: Mina of Cubbiful

I am so happy that the fabulous Mina of Cubbiful is sharing her nail art on my blog once again! Mina created this awesome floral manicure inspired by a hair pin!


Wow!! Is this exciting or what? :)
Lisa is the sweetest and most talented lady behind Polished Elegance, which if you don't know yet - how could you not?! - make sure you drop by here and give her some squishy love.

I love her always impecable manis and she's one of my fave nail bloggers to look up to when I'm in dear need of something elegant ;)
(I also look up to her photography but we all know that's a whole other level for me ;))

Anyway, she asked me again to do a guest post for her and I couldn't be happier - no greater form of validation than to be asked twice for a guest post by such a wonderful lady: thanks, hun! <3

So here we go:

Mina of Cubbiful for Polished Elegance

Not long ago, I opened my accessories box and it was like opening Pandora's very own box ... except this one brings exciting things! :)
This manicure being one of them.

Mina of Cubbiful for Polished Elegance

I was inspired by the cutest hair pin kind of thing, which I rarely use.
I was drawn to the red and, of course, to the beautiful flowers.

Mina of Cubbiful for Polished Elegance

Red is always an elegant shade to flaunt and Lisa does deserve me comitting to elegance ;)
I chose Inglot No.620 - can you believe this gorgeous polish is a one-coater? Oh, I love this brand!
Too bad the shimmer you see in the bottle doesn't translate on your nails but, oh well, I guess one can't have it all ;)

Mina of Cubbiful for Polished Elegance

I then drew the flowers using acrylic paints and here's a close up for you to see if I did a nice job ;)

Mina of Cubbiful for Polished Elegance

These are likely to accompany for a few days - they're that pretty! :)

If you liked them that much as well, join the fun adventures on the blog Cubbiful, or over on Facebook or Instagram (which now and again includes photos of my cutie pie kitty kats :)).

Again, thank you so much Lisa for this lovely invitation - hope you like what I came up with.
Enjoy your time away, doll.

Hugs & Kissies,
Mina *


  1. I know her blog and she is a very talented young lady! Fantastic design, matching the pin perfectly!

  2. Love the inspiration! It looks just like it. Great guest post :)

  3. Beautiful nails!
