Friday, June 20, 2014

Guest post: Tamit of Fall In Nail Love

Tamit of Fall In Nail Love has some of the most creative pictures of her nail art! I am so psyched she agreed to do a guest post for me! And the way she did this manicure is so ingenious, I defenitely have to try it!


Hey hey everyone!

Fisrt of all, I'd like to say how happy I'm to be here today! I feel really honoured that Lisa chose me for her guest post and, frankly speaking, I still cannot believe that my post is on Polished Elegance.

Today's design shows my little obssesion of last few days (okey, maybe weeks!): cutoff nails. I've decided to combine this trend with another pattern I adore and that's how my geometric cutoff nails appeared. These nails are really easy to do while the final look is interesting I think.

Tamit of Fall In Nail Love for Polished Elegance

If you want to create a nailart like mine, you should start with preaparing your DIY nail decals. How to do it? It's really simple: take a piece of paper and tape, put one coat of your polish on the tape and wait until it's all dried. While it's all drying, polish your nails with a base (I prefer a milky one). Then take sccissors and cut the tape with polish into triangles. Carefully pick up every little piece and stick it to your nail. In the end use top coat to smooth everything.

Tamit of Fall In Nail Love for Polished Elegance

I used the latest nail polish line by Wibo (this is a genuine nail polish brand from Poland) called Extreme Summer Nails (I'm definetely into this bottle shape). Hope I've inspired you to play with your own nail polish decals. Can't wait to see your creations!

Big hug and even a bigger kiss,
have a colourful day,


  1. I love the nails and these photos! Very cool :)

  2. I am glad that you girls made this guest post because this way I get to know about an another talented nail artist! I love Tamit creative idea and her photos are amazing indeed!

  3. Thank you once again, Lisa! It was an honour to be your guest! <3

  4. That is cool! Love the hand poses and pictures of it.

  5. Tamit ♥ She's amazing! So good to see her here!

  6. Beautiful geometry, very creative! :)
