Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Matching my chevron layout

Pastel chevron manicure nail art pink and mint chevron nail art manicure

You might have noticed that I changed the design of my blog a couple of weeks ago, and I absolutely love it! Do you? Well, it inspired me to do a matching manicure and I was sure it was going to be awesome!

Pastel chevron manicure nail art pink and mint chevron nail art manicure

I was wrong, lol :p I think I chose the wrong color, they didn't match very well. I tried sponging thinned out white nail polish on top to make it look sort of "papery" like my layout, didn't work. I mattified it without applying a fast dry top coat first which would have evened it out a bit. I applied top coat between each layer of taping to speed up drying, my nails were super thick.

Pastel chevron manicure nail art pink and mint chevron nail art manicure

But like I've said before, you'll have to take the bad with the good on this blog ;)

Pastel chevron manicure nail art pink and mint chevron nail art manicure

I like the idea, even if my execution sort of failed, so I might try something similar again some time :)

Pastel chevron manicure nail art pink and mint chevron nail art manicure


  1. Great matching Lisa! I love both the layout and the nails ^_^

  2. Jeg synes disse ser veldig pene ut jeg! Men jeg forstår at det er dumt at det ble så tykt lakk-lag =( Men rett forifra ser de jo virkelig duse og fine ut =)
