Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Monthly favorites: March

Polished Elegance nail art blog manicure
Defenitely one of my all time favorite manicures, this turned out almost exactly like I had imagined!

Polished Elegance nail art blog manicure
I had forgotten how awesome saran wrap manicures could look!

Polished Elegance nail art blog manicure
This is simple, but I really like the contrast between the crisp black and white chevrons and the squishy sparkly pink.

Polished Elegance nail art blog manicure
Still working on perfecting stamping decals, but I love the way this turned out, Electric Dream is so gorgeous and the gold stamping decals really accented it.


  1. I like all of the designs, perhaps the first one a bit more than the others! :)

  2. Great favorites for the month. There all lovely.

  3. Så pene roser du laget på den første manikyren! Jeg har bare laget roser på mine negler en gang, men selv med et lignende fargetema som hos deg så ble ikke mine like fine. Jeg blogget dem likevel, og er igrunnen fornøyd med resultatet mitt, men jeg vil gjerne bli flinkere til å male roser. Men tilbake til din manikyr: det ser veldig interessant ut med lin/canvas-bakgrunnen også =) Hvordan la du den mørkere lakken for å lage den bakgrunnen? Ala distressed negler med bare bittelitt lakk på kosten?
