Monday, August 4, 2014

Shimmer Polish - Jennifer

Shimmer Polish - Jennifer swatch review nail polish glitter nail polish

Shimmer Polish - Jennifer, three coats on all nails.

Shimmer Polish - Jennifer swatch review nail polish glitter nail polish

Jennifer is a clear base packed with glitter! Mostly turquoise, gold and copper colored glitter and hexes, which gives a gorgeous shiny sparkly look to this polish. But in addition it has some black hexagon glitters that really add some extra dimension, soooo beautiful!

Shimmer Polish - Jennifer swatch review nail polish glitter nail polish

Here you can see how Jennifer buils opacity on it's own. Index - 1 coat, middle - 2 coats, ring and pinky - 3 coats.

Shimmer Polish - Jennifer swatch review nail polish glitter nail polish Shimmer Polish - Jennifer swatch review nail polish glitter nail polish

This glitter polish looks sparkly and beautiful on it's own, but I can imagine it would look awesome layered over another color. I'm thinking it would look grungy and cool over a white polish?

Shimmer Polish - Jennifer swatch review nail polish glitter nail polish

Below is some macro sparklyness for your viewing pleasure ;)

Shimmer Polish - Jennifer swatch review nail polish glitter nail polish

Shimmer Polish - Jennifer swatch review nail polish glitter nail polish


  1. Wow!!! This is sooo pretty! Love the color and the glitters on it. Classy and elegant indeed!
