Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Shimmer Polish - Fanny

Shimmer Polish - Fanny swatch review

Today I have the pleasure of showing you Shimmer Polish - Fanny!

Shimmer Polish - Fanny swatch review

Fanny has a slightly pink tinted base packed with glitter. I spot pink, gold, red, green flashing blue and rose colored glitters in this!

Shimmer Polish - Fanny swatch review

The pictures below show how Fanny buils opacity and can be worn either as a glitter topper or on it's own. Index has one coat, middle has two, ring and pinky has three coats for full coverage.

Shimmer Polish - Fanny swatch review

As you can see, Fanny, like Leslie, is very versatile and can be worn in many different ways! Which is pretty much the same for all Shimmer Polishes really :)

Shimmer Polish - Fanny swatch review

Application is easy, the brush is loaded with glitter and it spreads out nicely. I did dab a little to make sure I got full coverage on the third coat.

Shimmer Polish - Fanny swatch review

Isn't this just a lovely pink glitter?

Shimmer Polish - Fanny swatch review Shimmer Polish - Fanny swatch review

And lastly we have a macro bottle shot for your viewing pleasure ;)

Shimmer Polish - Fanny swatch review

**Products in this post were provided for my honest review, all opinions are my own**


  1. Holly mother of glitter. OMG, can a polish be more beautiful than this one?

  2. This is amazing! :)
    And those macros! Thank you! So beautiful lovely! <3
