Thursday, March 6, 2014

Stamping decals take 2!

Picture Polish - Electric dream swatch manicure nail polish nail art stamping decals nail art manicure

This is two amazingly, easy, light, gorgeous coats of Picure Polish - Electric Dream, holy crap this polish is gorgeous! It's the perfect pinky coral with lots of gold shimmer, defenitely a favorite for spring and summer!

Picture Polish - Electric dream swatch manicure nail polish nail art stamping decals nail art manicure

I wanted to try stamping decals again, in spite of my last failure I refuse to give up, I've seen amazing manicures with this technique! I'd seen someone use black and gold on top of Electric Dream and it looked amazing together, so I decided to try black and gold flowers for my stamping decals.

Picture Polish - Electric dream swatch manicure nail polish nail art stamping decals nail art manicure

It did turn out better this time, but still not perfect, you can see smudges here and there. Which was not the image on the nail that smudged, it was the excess decal that sort of fell on to the nail and stuck and left pieces of color where it should not be! Ok, that was a bad explanation, but that's what happened.. Lol :p

Picture Polish - Electric dream swatch manicure nail polish nail art stamping decals nail art manicure Picture Polish - Electric dream swatch manicure nail polish nail art stamping decals nail art manicure

I used MoYou London - Pro Collection 12 and black Konad for the stamp. I stamped it on to a plastic bag with squares of dried top coat, then I painted the flowers using OPI - Glitzerland. When the decal was dry I added a coat of top coat to the  nail (not quick dry) and put the decal on the nail. Tried to clean up the excess decal and finished with top coat.

Picture Polish - Electric dream swatch manicure nail polish nail art stamping decals nail art manicure

I'm not giving up on this technique though, I want to make pretty decals! But I am getting better and I'm learning, so I think there is still hope ;)

Picture Polish - Electric dream swatch manicure nail polish nail art stamping decals nail art manicure

And a macro shot of the gorgeous Electric Dream <3

Picture Polish - Electric dream swatch manicure nail polish nail art stamping decals nail art manicure Picture Polish - Electric dream swatch manicure nail polish nail art stamping decals nail art manicure


  1. This is stunning! You are so good at stamping! :)

  2. Gorgeous polish indeed and a stunning manicure! For me the stamping decals tehnique is to hard :((

  3. This looks gorgeous Lisa! I think a saw the mani you're talking about. It was Didoline's, wasn't it?
    You did an amazing job there, congratulations!
    I tried this technique last weekend and after a few screwed nails I realized it's easier to pose the decal on dry polish instead of on a wet top coat, this way you can still carefully pull it a bit to make everything even, then top coat it.
    Anyway, you totally nailed it! ;-)
    Have a great weekend dear!

    1. Thanks for the tip! And for reminding me who had the original idea ;)

  4. I'll have to get Electric Dream! Lovely nail art!
