Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Argyle nail art tutorial

Pink argyle nail art manicure nail polish Essie - Cascade Cool argyle manicure tutorial

Pink: Essie - Cascade Cool
White: OPI - My Boyfriend Scales The Walls
Silver: Depend (something)

I was convinced the theme for today's 31DC was "inspired by a blogger", and I was sooo excited about that challenge! I've been thinking about what to do for this challenge for days, planning the colors, the polishes, I knew exactly what to do! And then, right before I sat down to do the mani I saw that today's challenge was "inspired by your favorite color"... Not that that's a bad theme, it's just that my mind was set on something completely different! So, in lack of inspiration I decided to recreate one of my favorite manis in pink, which is my favorite color, and make a tutorial for the argyle nails!

Pink argyle nail art manicure nail polish Essie - Cascade Cool argyle manicure tutorial

And please excuse my weird looking ring finger, it's broken pretty badly and I've glued it together with nail glue and a piece of fabric, lol :p It's working like a charm though!
This is my first tutorial, so please be gentle, but do come with suggestions on how to improve :)

tutorial argyle nail art pink argyle manicure tutorial argyle tutorial nails


  1. Amazing mani. I am loving the colors you have chosen. And a great tutorial :) Thank you for that <3

  2. Wow what a great manicure! Great tutorial too :)

  3. You did it again! Now it's all 'floral' and feminine! :D
    Awwww.... and thank you for the tutorial! Really liked how you presented it **

  4. I just love this! Super tutorial - really clear and easy to follow. Just wish I'd seen this earlier this evening before I painted my nails!!

  5. Never would have guessed this was your first tutorial, its great :) love the nails too!

  6. Amazing, super pretty! As someone else said above - can't believe it's your first tutorial. Keep up the good work!
