Monday, June 16, 2014

Guest post: Emma of Globe & Nail

Emma from Globe & Nail has done a gorgeous manicure for her guest post, thank you so much Emma! For this manicure, she is also planning to do a tutorial, so be sure to check out her blog for that :)


Hello!  I'm Emma from Globe & Nail, and I'm so glad to have been asked to do a guest post on Polished Elegance, because I love reading Lisa's blog!  I always get such a lovely light and delicate feel from Lisa's posts, so I've tried to infuse a bit of that feeling into today's nail art.  Here's what I came up with!

Emma of Globe & Nail for Polished Elegance

I started with two coats of La Couleur Couture 1997, and then just painted the dandelions with acrylic paints and a nail art brush.  All nails are topped with a coat of Seche Vite to smooth out the nail art. 
This was my first time painting dandelions so I was a bit worried beforehand, but I think they turned out really cute!  I took pictures along the way too, so keep an eye out for a tutorial for these on my own blog soon...

Emma of Globe & Nail for Polished Elegance

Thank you Lisa for inviting me to your blog, and thank you to all Lisa's readers as well; I hope you've all enjoyed what I put together!  :)

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