Monday, May 19, 2014

Powder Perfect - Elation and Hidden Well (oh my sparkly goodness!)

Powder Perfect - Elation swatch review nail polish

Powder Perfect - Elation, two coats for full coverage.

Powder Perfect - Elation swatch review nail polish

Elation is a dark teal jelly base packed with micro glitter in turquoise, green and gold it is soooo sparkly I just could not keep my eyes off it!You know I'm not a fan of wearing green polish, not even dark teal, but this is just so gorgeous I actually liked wearing it! And I will definitely go for it again :)

Powder Perfect - Elation swatch review nail polish

Just look at all that glitter, aaah!!! <3

Powder Perfect - Elation swatch review nail polish Powder Perfect - Elation swatch review nail polish

Like every other polish I have tried from Powder Perfect this was also a dream to apply!

Powder Perfect - Hidden Well swatch review nail polish

Powder Perfect - Hidden Well, two coats for full coverage.

Powder Perfect - Hidden Well swatch review nail polish

I'm sure you also know my love for blue nail polish, so is it any wonder I love this one as well? Hidden Well is a blue jelly with turquoise and teal glitter and some larger blue and silver hex glitter. And when the light hits in certain places the glitter even flashes of gold!

Powder Perfect - Hidden Well swatch review nail polish

A macro shot of all the yummy glitter.

Powder Perfect - Hidden Well swatch review nail polish Powder Perfect - Hidden Well swatch review nail polish

You can buy Powder Perfect Cosmetics at their website or at different international retailers.

**Products in this post were provided for my honest review, all opinions are my own**