Saturday, September 21, 2013

Curved lines?

China Glaze - Rendevouz With You - Strike Up A Cosmo gradient nail art manicure silver stamping nail art manicure nail polish

I wanted to spice up my gradient from yesterday, so I decided to add some silver stamping!

China Glaze - Rendevouz With You - Strike Up A Cosmo gradient nail art manicure silver stamping nail art manicure nail polish

I used Cheeky Jumbo plate #3 and a silver Depend polish.

China Glaze - Rendevouz With You - Strike Up A Cosmo gradient nail art manicure silver stamping nail art manicure nail polish

For some readon the lines of this stamp curved... No matter how I tried to line it up, when I stamped the image the lines were curved. I have no idea why! On my thumb however, they look perfect!

China Glaze - Rendevouz With You - Strike Up A Cosmo gradient nail art manicure silver stamping nail art manicure nail polish

I'm usually most happy with my thumb, lol, I don't know why, maybe because I usually start doing my thumb and am most careful with it? I really live the way the stamp came out on my thumb, only too bad it's a bit too long for the stamp to cover completely...

China Glaze - Rendevouz With You - Strike Up A Cosmo gradient nail art manicure silver stamping nail art manicure nail polish

Does anyone have any ideas or tips as to why the lines are curved on all my other nails and how to avoid it?

China Glaze - Rendevouz With You - Strike Up A Cosmo gradient nail art manicure silver stamping nail art manicure nail polish China Glaze - Rendevouz With You - Strike Up A Cosmo gradient nail art manicure silver stamping nail art manicure nail polish


  1. It's really gorgeous! I love the gradient that you've used as a base for the stamping!

  2. The stamping curved because your tips are more curved than where your nails grow... Is that making sense? So when you roll with the stamper you use more design on your tips... You should try stamping from the centre of your nail and without rolling. If you have the squishy stamper would be perfect for this kind of geometric design. I hope I helped.

    1. That makes sense! I do have the squishy stamper, and will defenitely try "pushing" the stamp on next time :)

  3. I am not so great at stamping, so I am afraid I don't have any good tips... But I hink this design is gorgeous! :)

  4. So cute result! This stamping is really appropriate :-)

  5. Love the nails/design! I was having the same issue and learned about the "squishy" stamper too. Just tried it out yesterday - much better!! Also, if you get one and it is the kind where the squishy stamper end comes out, I saw on a blog (ugh, can't remember the name at moment) to fill the inside of the stamper base with cotton balls and it helps hold the squishy stamper from falling out. :)

    1. Thank you for the tip! I have tried using the squishy stamper a few times now, and I think I'm getting the hang of it :)
