Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Silver and blue

Ozotic - 914, KB Shimmer - Hex Appeal, silver blue manicure mani skittle nail art striping tape nail art nail polish

Base on pinky, ring and thumb: Depend - silver
Base on index and middle: Ozotic - 914
Pinky topped with Cirque - Galinda
Ring and thumb topped with Ozotic - 914
Middle stamped with BM - 315 and Depend - silver
Index topped with KB Shimmer - Hex Appeal

Ozotic - 914, KB Shimmer - Hex Appeal, silver blue manicure mani skittle nail art striping tape nail art nail polish

Today's challenge was "silver", I was really not sure what to do and was lacking inspiration for this. Especially since the theme was silver and I've been itching to try my new indie polishes that I won in Kayla's indie nail art contest. I won a gift certificate to Harlow & Co, and instantly went shopping ;) 

Ozotic - 914, KB Shimmer - Hex Appeal, silver blue manicure mani skittle nail art striping tape nail art nail polish

But when I went through my stash of polishes and supplies ideas came rushing in and I ended up having problems deciding which idea to use! So I did a skittle, to try and use all my ideas at once :p And it actually ended up being almost an indie mani, the only polish that is not an indie is the silver Depend polish.

Ozotic - 914, KB Shimmer - Hex Appeal, silver blue manicure mani skittle nail art striping tape nail art nail polish

I don't know, is this too much blue for a silver themed mani? I guess it does sort of scream "blue" more than "silver", but so what, these indie polishes are amazing!

Ozotic - 914, KB Shimmer - Hex Appeal, silver blue manicure mani skittle nail art striping tape nail art nail polish

Ozotic - 914 is a blue shimmer filled with scattered holo particles. I wasn't able to capture the holo effect with my camera, even with direct flash, and the sun is not planning to come out for the rest of this week. So you're just gonna have to make do with pictures of it still looking awesome ;) I used two coats for my middle finger, but I could easily have done with one.

Ozotic - 914, KB Shimmer - Hex Appeal, silver blue manicure mani skittle nail art striping tape nail art nail polish

I layered one coat KB Shimmer - Hex Appeal over one coat of Ozotic - 914. See how much glitter I got with just one coat? It could have built up to full opacity by itself, but I layered it simply because of lazyness. This is my first indie glitter bomb polish, I'm not really a fan of glitter bombs, but this one really is pretty cool!

Ozotic - 914, KB Shimmer - Hex Appeal, silver blue manicure mani skittle nail art striping tape nail art nail polish

I am pretty happy with this mani, I'm a sucker for skittles, I'm really loving blue nail polish at the moment and glitter is always great. 

Ozotic - 914, KB Shimmer - Hex Appeal, silver blue manicure mani skittle nail art striping tape nail art nail polish

I must say I'm very pleased with the shipping from Harlow & Co, it was really quick! I expected it to take a couple of weeks to arrive, but my package arrived in less than a weeks time. However, I'm not over the moon about their website, it took a while before I figured out how the brands were organized, and I do not like that they show so many products that are out of stock. It makes it more difficult finding the polish you want.

If you're in Europe, you can also buy Ozotic at NorwayNails.com.


  1. So pretty! Love manicures where each nail is different from one another too :D

  2. Eeeek! This is *gorgeous* I love your ability to do skittle nails like this where every nail is different but overall the designs are very cohesive. This is stunning.

    Also, since you already know I'm obsessed with your designs, I nominated you for the Best Blog Award! Check my most recent post =)

  3. I love love love this design. I really admire your ability to put skittle manis together so they create a perfect harmony. and I love how you featured silver for this challenge.

  4. WONDERFUL skittlete! :D Love all nails, without exception and without favourites - which is new for me ;)
    And I have to say your macro shots are just amazing!

  5. I love your mani, such a wonderful combo!
